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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Superabundant \Su`per*a*bun"dant\, a. [L. superabundans, p. pr. of superabundare. See Superabound.] Abounding to excess; being more than is sufficient; redundant; as, superabundant zeal. -- Su`per*a*bun"dant*ly, adv.


adv. To a superabundant extent

Usage examples of "superabundantly".

Northern armies had been marching through for many months, well fed, well armed, and superabundantly supplied.

God, who hath superabundantly replenished the earth with creatures serving for the use of man, though man hath not used the fift part of the same, which the more doth aggravate the fault and foolish slouth in many of our nation, chusing rather to live indirectly, and very miserably to live and die within this realme pestered with inhabitants, then to adventure as becommeth men, to obtaine an habitation in those remote lands, in which Nature very prodigally doth minister unto mens endeavours, and for art to worke upon.