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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ But it is certain that until recently a powerful stimulus was the superabundance of labour.
▪ For Britain, the result was a superabundance of inexpensive labour.
▪ Justice should be done but not in superabundance, he added.
▪ Once, there had been a superabundance of leaves and spores close to the ground.
▪ Rebirthing, we were told, offered a superabundance of all good things with no sacrifice whatsoever.
▪ The noise of engines never varied and there was a huge superabundance of utterly empty sky to look at.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Superabundance \Su`per*a*bun"dance\, n. [L. superabundantia: cf. OF. superabondance.] The quality or state of being superabundant; a superabundant quantity; redundancy; excess.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

early 15c., superaboundance, from Late Latin superabundantia, from present participle stem of Latin superabundare, from super (see super-) + abundare (see abound). Related: Superabundant; superabound.


n. An extreme abundance; abundance to a vast degree that seems almost excessive.


n. a quantity that is more than what is appropriate; "four-year-olds have an overabundance of energy"; "we received an inundation of email" [syn: overabundance, overmuch, overmuchness]


Superabundance is the second full-length album by Young Knives, released in the United Kingdom on 10 March 2008. The album reached number twenty-eight in the UK Album Charts.

The tracks "Terra Firma" and "Up All Night" were released as singles prior to the album launch. "Turn Tail" was the next single released on 19 May 2008.

The closing track "Current of the River" is a re-recorded version of the B-side to "She's Attracted To".

The cover of the album was made in London. 17-year-old Brandon Baily, a stunt rider from the Moto-Stunts International team, did the burn out on the bike. The photographer wanted smoke and fire from the tyre so the bike's rear wheel needed to be placed on wood so it could burn.

Usage examples of "superabundance".

Euphuism asserts itself occasionally in the verse, and the affectation of scholarship, customary in that day, is responsible for a superabundance of classical allusions in unexpected places.

So much merely to counteract our ingenuous tendency to believe that a superabundance of resources favours existence.

Century is, then, of such a character that it allows the average man to take his place in a world of superabundance, of which he perceives only the lavishness of the means at his disposal, nothing of the pains involved.

After all, her voice was the one part of her that I still had in superabundance, and it was always there, filling the space between me and the walls.

Most of the chemical writing fluids of this decade carry a superabundance of acid in their composition, which in time will burn through the paper and ultimately destroy it.

If some have in superabundance, and others in want, this arises not from the will of God, not because the empire is a form of manifestation of personality, but because in societies, as in organisms, division of labor becomes indispensable for life as a whole.

This our earth produces not only a sufficiency, but a superabundance, and pours a cornucopia of good things down upon us.

CHAPTER XI This our earth produces not only a sufficiency a superabundance, but in one year pours a cornucopia of good things forth, enough to fill us for many years in succession.

What the Cimmerians lacked in material goods, they made up for in a superabundance of pride.

Kory-Kory, leaping from the pi-pi, and then backing himself up against it, like a porter in readiness to shoulder a trunk, with loud vociferations and a superabundance of gestures, gave me to understand that I was to mount upon his back and be thus transported to the stream, which flowed perhaps two hundred yards from the house.

He had also a superabundance of the discordant, ear-splitting, metallic laugh common to his breed-- a machine-made laugh, a Frankenstein laugh, with the soul left out of it.

How can a superabundance of just one element manage to cause so much grief?

In fact, if not exactly a believer in the doctrine of the efficiency of the extra good works of saints, he really seemed somehow or other to fancy that his wife had piety and benevolence enough for two--to indulge a shadowy expectation of getting into heaven through her superabundance of qualities to which he made no particular pretension.

The inhabitants of Kalo possess gardens, where the rich alluvial soil produces a superabundance of coco-nuts, bananas, yams, sweet potatoes, and taro.

Abandoned to itself, it, like Moloch, devours rapidly all that to which it gives birth, and changes the superabundance of life into immense destruction.