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''' Sunrunner ''' is a fictional title created by author Melanie Rawn for her novels of the Dragon Prince and Dragon Star trilogies.

Sunrunners, or ''' faradh'im ''', are people who are able to use the Sun, and Moon, for communication and spellcasting. They weave the light with their thoughts, which are represented by coloured gemstones. Each ''' faradhi ''' has a unique colour pattern, and the gemstones representing a faradhi 's colours often symbolize facets of the person's character. For a list of gems and their meanings please refer to Melanie Rawn's Jewel Symbology page.

Sunrunners are the impartial mediators of the Continent and the quickest form of communication. They communicate with each other all over the world, keeping families in contact, Princes and Lords aware of political happenings, and performing ceremonies - such as Namings, Choosings, or Burnings - as needed. Sunrunners are forbidden to participate in battle lest it is to save their own lives, to take sides in a debate, and most importantly they are forbidden to use their gifts to kill. Faradhi oaths also include a vow of silence to ensure the trust of Sunrunner messengers. These limitations enable the rest of the Continent to accept and even welcome Sunrunners to their courts and into their lives.

Sunrunners are trained at Goddess Keep. As they train, they are tested to determine their rank. With each rank a Sunrunner earns a faradhi ring. There are ten ranks, the highest being the Lord or Lady of Goddess Keep, who governs all Sunrunners.