Sunilam, formerly known as Sunil Mishra, is an Indian socialist politician. As of the mid-1990s, he served as the national general secretary of the Yuva Janata Dal. He took part in founding the Socialist Front in the early 2000s. As of 2008, he served as the national secretary of the Samajwadi Party. He holds a doctorate and was an activist of the Hind Mazdoor Kisan Panchayat. He is also the president of the Madhya Pradesh Kisan Sangarsh Samiti (MPKSS, 'Peasant Struggle Association'), based in Multai. As a politician, he obtained fame for being non-corrupt.
In 2006 Sunilam formed part of a seven-member delegation, led by Sitaram Yechury, that visited Nepal to show support for the pro-democracy movement there.
In 2004 Sunilam finished third in the contest for the Betul Lok Sabha seat, obtaining 74,391 votes. At the time of the election, he had 41 criminal cases registered against him. In 2008 he contested a by-election for the same seat, but lost his deposit.