vb. (past participle of sing along English)
Usage examples of "sung along".
Later, it was a kind of children's playroom, the room where my mother had played the old Victrola, where she had sung along with Frank Sinatra and the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra.
She knew it so well now she could have sung along with it had she had the voice.
The driver was talking a mile a minute on her cell phone, while her companion obliviously sung along to the stereo.
I told her to ask the old lady where the meadow was where she'd sung along with Blind Blake's guitar, sixty-two years ago.
Even Anna had sung along with Rod Stewart, all hands clasped above heads as they swayed in an emotional circle.
Ten minutes later, as the drugs took their effect, the bangs and thumps of the nearby fireworks were joined by the sound of my other neighbour as he sung along raucously to an Oasis concert blaring from his radio.
He must have heard it many times before that night, because he knew the next verse and could have sung along with it, but did not.