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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ At the end of the garden she reached a summerhouse.
▪ He cleared the summerhouse so she would have a studio, and gave her the only key.
▪ I suggested that the President and the First Lady inspect the summerhouse together.
▪ Inside the summerhouse she saw an old woman and a boy.
▪ Lying on her back, floating, she looks towards the summerhouse.
▪ She fitted out the summerhouse with a sleeping bag and a change of jeans.
▪ Statues and a summerhouse complete the effect.
▪ Then Susan walked past the summerhouse to watch the dark man paint.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Summerhouse \Sum"mer*house`\, n.; pl. Summerhouses. A rustic house or apartment in a garden or park, to be used as a pleasure resort in summer.


alt. 1 A house owned not as a primary residence and used as vacation home during warm weather months of the year. 2 A house designed to be cool and used as a residence only during warm weather. n. 1 A house owned not as a primary residence and used as vacation home during warm weather months of the year. 2 A house designed to be cool and used as a residence only during warm weather.


n. a small roofed building affording shade and rest [syn: gazebo]


Summerhouse may refer to:

  • Summer house, a type of building
  • Summerhouse, County Durham, England
  • "The Summerhouse", a song by The Divine Comedy (band)

Usage examples of "summerhouse".

Holly Inglehart Dayton, missing Maple Park murderess, and her husband Dick Dayton, famous band leader, an unidentified man was slain in the old summerhouse of the Inglehart estate.

Somehow Glen learned that and before Miller had a chance to tell Dayton anything, Glen entered the summerhouse and knocked Dayton unconscious.

After breakfast, she took her watercolours down to the lake and sat in the summerhouse trying to paint, but somehow she could not transfer the pretty pastoral scene onto her paper and tore up her efforts in a fit of temper.

The only house on the lake was the Rouillard summerhouse, a white, one-story house with two bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room, and a screened-in porch that totally encircled it.

Simultaneously, the three young ladies raised lacy parasols, said they had had quite enough to eat thank you, and, laying light fingers on the arms of the men nearest them, clamored sweetly to see the rose garden, the spring and the summerhouse.

There were no iron picket fences, iron summerhouses, iron gates or even iron statuary on the lawns of Atlanta now, for they had early found their way into the melting pots of the rolling mills.

He turned the corner at the bottom of the hill and then roared back, for a moment obscured from view by the summerhouse, and then reappearing, bent over his machine like a Formula One race driver.

He told them about the summerhouses and the stone boat and the maze and the fountains and the lawns and the ruins and the animals in the woods.

Outside the villages Ruslan and Lyudmila had found only boarded-up summerhouses, and now and then an occasional agcrete boat shed used by commercial fishers, deserted now during the season of storms.

Couples lay on the soft grass beneath the trees and in the more refined comfort of summerhouses and seemed to think our craft hardly more than a decoration sent idly downstream for their delectation, or if they saw my head above the curved petals assumed us intent upon our own affairs.