The Collaborative International Dictionary
Sulkily \Sulk"i*ly\, adv. In a sulky manner.
adv. In a sulk manner
adv. in a sulky manner; "`What else could I do?' said Graham sulkily"
Usage examples of "sulkily".
Brown locked the gate, went sulkily into the lodge, lighted his cutty pipe, and smoked it furiously.
Luisa sulkily, shifting her slender legs so that Doni could sit beside her.
Senilde watched Leep sulkily, his expression saying that this ultra-cautious fellow promised poor sport.
Ten minutes later, Chip Mulley was riding in a taxi, sulkily seated between the Federal men.
Then, instead of going back to the ,y chair, she sat cross-legged on the floor ifront of the couch, and silently and sulkily tched the screen.
Lady Bellamy saw that if something were not done quickly, there would be a shocking scene, which was the last thing she wanted, so she seized George and whispered in his ear, after which he followed her sulkily, turning round from time to time to look at Angela.
Ganesh sulkily, standing in the shelter of a convenient doorway, his hands stuck in the pockets of his blouson jacket.
Little would Argemone have valued the real proof of love which he was giving her as he looked on sulkily, while his fingers tingled with longing to be up and doing.
Very sulkily it was that the Crabapple Blossoms obeyed, for they were all feeling as cross as two sticks at having such a vulgar buffoon for their master, and at being forced to learn silly old-fashioned dances that would be of no use to them when they were grown-up.
Suzanne sulkily, when they had pushed their way fruitlessly through half a dozen departments.
I took a book sulkily, in the hope of putting a stop to their mirth, but it was of no use: it lasted a week.
A group of Livers whom Jackson had never seen before slouched sulkily outside the plastic-tented feeding ground.
Hotspur hung reluctant for a moment, and then sulkily turned back on the starboard tack and gathered way as Cargill in the nick of time sent the wheel spinning back and took a pull on the braces.
The turkey carpet has rolled itself up, and retired sulkily under the sideboard: the pictures have hidden their faces behind old sheets of brown paper: the ceiling lamp is muffled up in a dismal sack of brown holland: the window-curtains have disappeared under all sorts of shabby envelopes: the marble bust of Sir Walpole Crawley is looking from its black corner at the bare boards and the oiled fire-irons, and the empty card-racks over the mantel-piece: the cellaret has lurked away behind the carpet: the chairs are turned up heads and tails along the walls: and in the dark corner opposite the statue, is an old-fashioned crabbed knife-box locked and sitting on a dumb waiter.
I braced myself to leap for the ladder, resolved to kick the appalling Jumbo in the crotch, God willing, for while the dear child had lied splendidly thus far, I knew she was convent-reared on all that hellfire and mortal sin bilge, and wouldn't dare perjure - and I stopped in the nick of time, for she was giving an angry little shrug, looking Papa sulkily in the eye, and swearing by Almightee Godd that she had repelled my clumsy advances with ease and it would take a better man than Flashy to drag her into the long grass, or words to that effect.