n. An attack carried out by a suicide bomber or a group of them.
n. a terrorist bombing carried out by someone who does not hope to survive it
Usage examples of "suicide bombing".
Per haps a suicide bombing in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv or Haifa to distract atten tion.
OK, first point, the PLC says they have evidence that the initial attacksthe suicide bombing and the initial gunfire and RPG attackswere ordered by someone in Iran, though they're not sure exactly who.
Opposition spokesmen have accused the Taliban of being behind the suicide bombing and hint that Saudi fugitive Osama bin Laden may also be involved.
As Pakistanis prepare to stone a rape victim to death, the latest suicide bombing in Israel claimed the lives of a grandmother and her eighteen-month-old granddaughter.
It was the right thing to do-the ultimate suicide bombing mission-and a tremor of energy rippled through him in anticipation of all that was waiting for him.
They stopped well back from the gate, so no one would suppose it was an attempt at a suicide bombing.
He was referring to the suicide bombing of the United States destroyer in Yemen.
The previous Sunday 230 US marines had died in the Beirut suicide bombing.
He then gave ten seconds to a suicide bombing in Cairo, a dozen more to what looked like impending war between Pakistan and India, and rounded out his minute with an oil spill in Puget Sound, a train derailment near Dallas, and a bank robbery here in Rochester.
We live in a time of suicide bombing, terrorism run amok, and nuclear blackmail.