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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Suffuse \Suf*fuse"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Suffused; p. pr. & vb. n. Suffusing.] [L. suffusus, p. p. of suffundere to overspread; sub under + fundere to pour. See Fuse to melt.] To overspread, as with a fluid or tincture; to fill or cover, as with something fluid; as, eyes suffused with tears; cheeks suffused with blushes.

When purple light shall next suffuse the skies.


vb. (present participle of suffuse English)

Usage examples of "suffusing".

He also commanded him, before the people, that he would describe the pains of the impious and the joy of the saints, and that he would speak to the people, that they might believe all that is said of the pains of hell and the joys of the blest to be true.

She grasped him more firmly as her orgasm began to grow, suffusing her lower body, spreading like a fire.

And there was the knife, beginning its second strike, a twisted smile of power suffusing Antonio's face.

Tirla became ani mated at once, sitting up in her bed, her big dark eyes glittering, a delicate tinge of color suffusing her cheeks, and a hopeful smile on her lips.

He could feel the blood suffusing his face, pumping through his extremities.

Saw the glint of the Gion and rushed toward it, red rage suffusing him and now the stars exploding behind his eyes, his brain dull and working it out slowly as he pitched toward the Gion, clutched in the stiffening grasp of a dead man.

It was as if he felt the heartbeat of the earth upon which he stood rising up through him, entering his body by what means he knew not, suffusing his bloodstream.

He felt a constriction in his throat, a rage suffusing him as the choir of the damned sang its funereal dirge in his inner ear.

No word can say what the Silence tells that is all around and within us, this Silence that is no silence but to be heard resounding through all things, whether of waking, dream, or dreamless night — as surrounding, supporting, and suffusing the syllable AUM.

And Dante, following the classical lead, saw love suffusing and turning the universe, from the highest seat of the Trinity above to the lowest pits of Hell.

Zeth blinked, but it was still there, not just the morning sunlight glinting off his friend's blond hair, but a golden glow suffusing his whole body.

No word can say what the Silence tells that is all around and within us, this Silence that is no silence but to be heard resounding through all things, whether of waking, dream, or dreamless night -- as surrounding, supporting, and suffusing the syllable AUM.

Her unexpected reserve and the color suffusing her face made her beautiful, the kind of woman who might be plagued by men lusting after her face and body.

But Rosvita recognized the dismay curling up her toes, into her limbs, suffusing her.

She felt queer impressions suffusing the air around her, like the steady drone of the humming she had heard in the background ever since the cloud had surrounded the ship.