Crossword clues for suffered
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Suffer \Suf"fer\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Suffered; p. pr. & vb. n. Suffering.] [OE. suffren, soffren, OF. sufrir, sofrir, F. souffrir, (assumed) LL. sofferire, for L. sufferre; sub under + ferre to bear, akin to E. bear. See Bear to support.]
To feel, or endure, with pain, annoyance, etc.; to submit to with distress or grief; to undergo; as, to suffer pain of body, or grief of mind.
To endure or undergo without sinking; to support; to sustain; to bear up under.
Our spirit and strength entire, Strongly to suffer and support our pains.
--Milton. -
To undergo; to be affected by; to sustain; to experience; as, most substances suffer a change when long exposed to air and moisture; to suffer loss or damage.
If your more ponderous and settled project May suffer alteration.
--Shak. -
To allow; to permit; not to forbid or hinder; to tolerate.
Thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbour, and not suffer sin upon him.
--Lev. xix. 17.I suffer them to enter and possess.
--Milton.Syn: To permit; bear; endure; support; sustain; allow; admit; tolerate. See Permit.
vb. (en-past of: suffer)
Usage examples of "suffered".
Through the agency of these means we have been enabled to cure hundreds, who had suffered untold tortures for twelve, fifteen, or twenty-five years.
Viewed from this standpoint, it is possible that a careful study of the human temperaments and their relations to reproduction may be of greater moment than has hitherto been supposed, and a proper understanding of them may tend to avert that individual deterioration, which, if suffered to become general, would end in national disaster and the extinction of the race.
An account is given of the poisoning of the royal family of France, many of whom suffered from this cause when in exile at Claremont.
The child by this time was a heart-rendering sight to behold, and suffered unknown agonies with the torturing itching and burning of the sores, and so things ran on until my brother, who resides in Buffalo, visited me.
He suffered from a running sore on his leg, and after using twelve bottles, he could walk all right and is well to-day The doctors wanted to have it taken off.
For a year I suffered as much as it was possible for a human being to suffer.
Numerous instances are on record in which persons have suffered from all the symptoms of confirmed consumption, and have regained their health and subsequently died of other diseases.
Some whom we have been successful in curing had suffered from childhood to middle and even old age.
In the summer of 1888 I took a severe cold, which settled on my lungs and chest, and I suffered intensely with it.
Also my stomach was out of order, suffered with burning in my stomach and chest.
After sitting for a time, and then quickly rising I suffered from blindness as well as a dizzy feeling in the head.
I also suffered from indigestion, torpidity of the liver, and constipation of the bowels.
In a few months I was entirely relieved and have not suffered from it since.
Ingram had suffered for many years from the most distressing symptoms, such as profuse offensive discharge from nose, stopping up of nose, sneezing, weak eyes and frequent headache.
I could scarcely sleep at night, and during the day I suffered constantly.