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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Sufferable \Suf"fer*a*ble\, a. [Cf. F. souffrable.]

  1. Able to suffer or endure; patient. [Obs.] ``Ye must be sufferable.''

  2. That may be suffered, tolerated, or permitted; allowable; tolerable. [1913 Webster] -- Suf"fer*a*ble*ness, n. -- Suf"fer*a*bly, adv.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

c.1300, "patient, long-suffering;" mid-14c., "allowed, permissible;" late 14c., "able to be endured;" from Anglo-French, Old French sofrable "tolerable, acceptable; able to bear or endure," from Medieval Latin sufferabilis; see suffer + -able. Related: Sufferably.


a. 1 (context obsolete English) Able to suffer or endure; patient. 2 That may be suffered; capable of being tolerated, endured or permitted; allowable; tolerable.


adj. capable of being borne though unpleasant; "sufferable punishment" [syn: bearable, endurable, supportable]

Usage examples of "sufferable".

At the instant of the dart an ulcerous jet shot from this cruel wound, and goaded by it into more than sufferable anguish, the whale now spouting thick blood, with swift fury blindly darted at the craft, bespattering them and their glorying crews all over with showers of gore, capsizing Flask's boat and marring the bows.

At the instant of the dart an ulcerous jet shot from this cruel wound, and goaded by it into more than sufferable anguish, the whale now spouting thick blood, with swift fury blindly darted at the craft, bespattering them and their glorying crews all over with showers of gore, capsizing Flaskā€™s boat and marring the bows.