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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Usage examples of "suff".

He confessed, and receiving the Viaticum from the hands of Pere Suffren, bade farewell to his mother, his wife, and Richelieu.

He staide his hand according her desire,Yet nathemore him suffred to arize.

Soone as she Venus saw behind her backe,She was asham'd to be so loose surprized,And woxe halfe wroth against her damzels slacke,That had not her thereof before auized,But suffred her so carelesly disguizedBe ouertaken.

That lord is now of Thebes the Citee, Fulfild of ire and of iniquitee, He, for despit and for his tirannye, To do the dede bodyes vileynye, Of alle oure lordes, whiche that been slawe, He hath alle the bodyes on an heep ydrawe, And wol nat suffren hem, by noon assent, Neither to been yburyed nor ybrent, But maketh houndes ete hem in despit.

But he, not like a wearie traueilere,Their sharpe assault right boldly did rebut,And suffred not their blowes to byte him nereBut with redoubled buffes them backe did put:Whose grieued mindes, which choler did englut,Against themselues turning their wrathfull spight,Gan with new rage their shields to hew and cut.

There he this knight of her begot, whom borneShe of his father Marinell did name,And in a rocky caue as wight forlorne,Long time she fostred vp, till he becameA mightie man at armes, and mickle fameDid get through great aduentures by him donne:For neuer man he suffred by that sameRich strond to trauell, whereas he did wonne,But that he must do battell with the Sea-nymphes sonne.