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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ The U.N. had to borrow from the fund to pay salaries and suchlike.

a. Of the same or similar kind pron. Other things of the same kind or type.


adj. of the same kind; "a locker that usually contained paper, ink, and suchlike equipment"

Usage examples of "suchlike".

So Mearl bought himself a shortwave set and took up listening to Mark from Minnesota, a program devoted to warning folks about the coming insurrections with the black helicopters and the New World Order and suchlike.

There were arts for avoiding this rennet of hare and suchlike potions.

Well, Friday comes, and there he is, for twenty-four hours by the clock, obliged to keep up, as best he may, on fish and vegetables and suchlike kickshaws, when every fibre of his frame is crying out for meat, red meat.

After placing safeguards against poison programs and suchlike, he opened the gates of his light circuits to this seductive surreality that the Silicon God had made.

And he would be wearing a mail undervest or suchlike protection of his more vital parts.

Hogg had learned so much during his season with the salt of the earth, barmen and suchlike.

French, though not representing the French Crown, at least not openlydispatched to the west a number of heavily armed, heavily manned large galleons to cruise for prizes of opportunity, mount raids on coastal and riverine settlements, and suchlike.

I want to know is this, how does one man slip through all those warbands and suchlike?

Upon being apprised that the most of our force was within the castle, we spiked our few old bombards, bore away with us the port-pieces, sling-pieces, wall calivers, and suchlike with the shot and powder for them.

It was most improbable that the Master of the Aethyr would come barrelling across the seas just to give the boy a decent burial or suchlike.

What did it matter that the edifice of this future rested on coffins, graves, gravestones, obelisks, busts and suchlike funeral appurtenances?

In the old days, you could coerce a fallen angel just by practicing the traditional austerities: fasting, scourging, suchlike.

The air all round was intangible, neither here nor there, and there was an unreal noise of banjoes, or suchlike music.

According to that, the earliest brochs in Deverry weren't built with proper floors and chambers and suchlike.

Others—heretics, infidels, suchlike monsters—have preferred other cognomens: the Darkworms, the Slime of Creation, the—well!