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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Successless \Suc*cess"less\, a. Having no success.

Successless all her soft caresses prove.
--Pope. [1913 Webster] -- Suc*cess"less*ly, adv. -- Suc*cess"less*ness, n.


a. Without success; unsuccessful.

Usage examples of "successless".

Such was the successless armament of Xerxes described by Herodotus, or the successful expedition of Alexander related by Arrian.

Wax thus filled with her successless wit, She Verses in the utmost margin writ.

For shouldst thou fly successless from my hand, I have no second to send after thee.

Passion unpitied and successless love, Plant daggers in my heart, and aggravate My other griefs.

This was what I had been saying to myself hour by hour for two years, but there were times when it seemed that my brain, my whole system, was collapsing in the nervous irritation, in the chafing and the straining of this existence, which was filled with nothing but successless work, continuous disappointment, and unsatisfied desires.

If it were love, it might be simple, single, successless love on her side alone.

The payment of other debts might be postponed for a month, and my situation be the same as before the adoption of this successless scheme.