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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Successful \Suc*cess"ful\, a. Resulting in success; assuring, or promotive of, success; accomplishing what was proposed; having the desired effect; hence, prosperous; fortunate; happy; as, a successful use of medicine; a successful experiment; a successful enterprise.

Welcome, nephews, from successful wars.

Syn: Happy; prosperous; fortunate; auspicious; lucky. See Fortunate. [1913 Webster] -- Suc*cess"ful*ly, adv. -- Suc*cess"ful*ness, n.


n. The state or condition of being successful.


n. the condition of prospering; having good fortune [syn: prosperity]

Usage examples of "successfulness".

If, on the one hand, it found presently that its own Fellowship was not altogether as free as it had been at first from reactionary weaknesses and traditional sentiments, on the other it found that its leading ideas, by virtue of its material successfulness and of continual explicit statement, were spreading far beyond the limits of its nuclei and its organized teaching.