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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Subvert \Sub*vert"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Subverted; p. pr. & vb. n. Subverting.] [L. subvertere, subversum; sub under + vertere to turn: cf. F. subvertir. See Verse.]

  1. To overturn from the foundation; to overthrow; to ruin utterly.

    These are his substance, sinews, arms, and strength, With which he yoketh your rebellious necks, Razeth your cities, and subverts your towns.

    This would subvert the principles of all knowledge.

  2. To pervert, as the mind, and turn it from the truth; to corrupt; to confound.
    --2 Tim. iii. 14.

    Syn: To overturn; overthrow; destroy; invert; reverse; extinguish.


vb. (present participle of subvert English)

Usage examples of "subverting".

And now I was head in the School of Rhetoric, whereat I rejoiced proudly, and became inflated with arrogance, though more sedate, O Lord, as Thou knowest, and altogether removed from the subvertings of those "subverters"