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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Subvert \Sub*vert"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Subverted; p. pr. & vb. n. Subverting.] [L. subvertere, subversum; sub under + vertere to turn: cf. F. subvertir. See Verse.]

  1. To overturn from the foundation; to overthrow; to ruin utterly.

    These are his substance, sinews, arms, and strength, With which he yoketh your rebellious necks, Razeth your cities, and subverts your towns.

    This would subvert the principles of all knowledge.

  2. To pervert, as the mind, and turn it from the truth; to corrupt; to confound.
    --2 Tim. iii. 14.

    Syn: To overturn; overthrow; destroy; invert; reverse; extinguish.


vb. (en-past of: subvert)

Usage examples of "subverted".

If the junction of the Merovingian and Imperial forces had been effected in the neighborhood of Milan, perhaps they might have subverted the throne of the Lombards.

His throne was subverted by a rival without merit, and a people without arms.

The rebel Druid has subverted the magic to his own use and tamed the Trolls.

Like Bremen, he accepted that power once subverted was twice as deadly, and that the rebel Druid Brona lived on in another form and would return again to subvert the Four Lands.

He had determined that it was the rebel Druid Brona, still alive after several hundred years, kept so by the magic that had subverted him.

The creatures that composed the garden could no longer invoke the power that had subverted them, could no longer feed upon it, but were locked in what it had made of them, trapped within the vines and trees and flowers of this rectangular patch of earth, deep within the fortress that had once been their home, rooted in place forever.

Magic was mistrusted in general in my village—it was the unwanted legacy of the First War of the Races, when Men had been subverted by the rebel Druid Brona and defeated in a war with the other Races and driven south into exile.

Magic was mistrusted in general in my village-it was the unwanted legacy of the First War of the Races, when Men had been subverted by the rebel Druid Brona and defeated in a war with the other Races and driven south into exile.

But what if he had been caught when he had gone in search of Damson this last time—taken and subverted, made over into a Shadowen?

They must be told the truth of the Shadowen, that the Shadowen were Elves who had recovered the old magic of faerie and become subverted by it in the same way as the Warlock Lord and his Skull Bearers nearly five hundred years earlier.

When we agreed to come back, we knew what would be waiting for us—a struggle with the Federation, with the Shadowen, with Elven magic hideously subverted, with our past brought forward to become our future.

He had been tricked into believing that the Mirrorshroud would conceal him when in truth it had subverted him in ways he did not care to recall, turning him into one of them, making him over in their image.

Then Coll had been allowed to come back to life, subverted by the Mirrorshroud, and sent to find Par.

While Elven magic was indeed at fault, it had not been conjured by the Elves under attack but by renegades Yet the Elves under attack were responsible for allowing their magic to be subverted and the Shadowen to come into being IP the first place.

Like the Skull Bearers and the Mord Wraiths before them, the Shadowen came to rely on the magic so heavily that eventually it subverted them.