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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
subtropical climates
▪ Earlier developments by geographers which proceeded somewhat independently were located in arid, semi-arid and subtropical areas.
▪ It is distributed in the tropical, subtropical, and temperate zones of the world.
▪ Its small size and subtropical climate made me feel like I was trapped in a steam room.
▪ Most aquarium plants come from tropical and subtropical areas, with a few from the warmer parts of the temperate zone.
▪ Most members of the family are tropical and subtropical plants; only a few penetrate into the temperate zone.
▪ Palaeoenvironments were probably subtropical forests, strongly seasonal but most likely evergreen.
▪ The environmental factors which produce arrested larvae in subtropical zones are not yet known.
▪ They are uncommon in the tropical or subtropical molluscan faunas of the Tertiary.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Subtropical \Sub*trop"ic*al\, a. Nearly tropical.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1830, from sub- + tropical.


a. Pertaining to the regions of the Earth further from the equator than the tropical regions. n. A subtropical plant.


adj. of or relating to or characteristic of conditions in the subtropics; "even near the equator vegetation at 5000 ft is subtropical rather than tropical" [syn: subtropic, semitropical, semitropic]

Subtropical (disambiguation)

Term of Subtropical and Subtropics refer to:

  • Subtropics
  • Humid subtropical climate
  • Subtropical ridge
  • Subtropical High
  • Subtropical cyclone
  • Subtropical front
  • Subtropical jet
  • Subtropics (journal)

Usage examples of "subtropical".

In the firmament high above them, quadrillions of chipmold spores formed a barely visible cirrostratus cloud made wavy by the steady nibbling of the subtropical jet stream.

Climate ranging from humid subtropical on the coast, to semiarid in some river valleys, to moist temperate and cool in the interior plateaus and mountains.

It typically happens over areas where a leg of the jet stream collides with subtropical air—the Great Lakes, the Gulf Stream off Hatteras, the southern Appalachians.

The building was a decent one, Spanish style, whitewashed walls, red tile roof, lush California plants crawling all over everything — purple bougainvillea, red and white hibiscus, great spiky clumps of aloes, some agaves, sago palms, all that subtropical whatnot.

But south of, say, San Antone, you knocked off a few hours from about noon to four in the afternoon, unless you felt like frying eggs on your skull with the help of that subtropical sun.

The trees were perennial, from some subtropical zone -- a sweet, sickly stench rose from them, mingling with the burnt-meat smell of a Goliath beetle that Piet had cornered and slaughtered noisily.

It becomes readily apparent that most of the drug Cannabis occurs in the northern subtropical and northern temperate zones of the world.