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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Subtreasury \Sub*treas"ur*y\, n.; pl. Subtreasuries. A subordinate treasury, or place of deposit; as, the United States subtreasury at New York. [U. S.]


n. A subordinate treasury, or place of deposit.


n. a subordinate treasury or place of deposit

Usage examples of "subtreasury".

The Subtreasury Building was a dignified structure in the Greek Revival style of the previous century.

That the skyscrapers along Wall Street dwarfed the Subtreasury Building told him everything he needed to know about where economic power in the United States really lay.

The offhand condemnation made the man who had driven him to the Subtreasury Building mutter something under his breath.

The subject heretofore and now to be discussed is the subtreasury scheme of the present administration, as a means of collecting, safe-keeping, transferring, and disbursing, the revenues of the nation, as contrasted with a national bank for the same purposes.

I assert that we have again and again, during this discussion, urged facts and arguments against the subtreasury which they have neither dared to deny nor attempted to answer.

But, again, by the subtreasury scheme the revenue is to be collected in specie.

Van Buren, drafted and introduced into the Senate the first subtreasury bill, and that bill provided for ultimately collecting the revenue in specie.

I repeat, then, that by the subtreasury the revenue is to be collected in specie.

I have already said that the subtreasury will reduce the quantity of money in circulation.

Banks, jewelry establishments, even the subtreasury, had these unobtrusive watchers stationed nearby, on the alert every minute of the day.

Vic intended to ride to the subtreasury in the armored truck, along with the crew.