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n. A test that is part of a larger one

Usage examples of "subtest".

Digit Span subtest, he began bouncing up and down and finally out of his chair.

I also wish there were less emphasis on the Full-Scale IQ score and much more on the individual subtest scores, which point up the areas of strengths and weaknesses.

Of course, the low subtest scores are valuable, too -- they yield clues to areas of weakness, which is necessary for planning remediation.

Also, he was very innocent and insecure about social situations, and this subtest requires social awareness, the knowledge of what to do when, as well as sequencing ability.

Object Assembly, another subtest of the WISC-R, consisted of four puzzles and for Ben was as easy as or easier than Block Design.

Ben did only fairly well on the Comprehension subtest, which measures practical judgment and common sense.

First, when you receive your written report all scores and scaled subtest scores and percentiles will be included.

I explained that I felt the subtest scores were much more important and gave more information than the full-scale IQ score.

I said, and proceeded to dictate the precise wording of the first question of the Information subtest of the WAIS-R.

IQ was 127 and that the pattern of subtest scores was not consistent with any underlying organic problem.

Given an abstract reasoning subtest in the ninetieth percentile and spotty school attendance that weakened his knowledge base, I figured it for an underestimate.

Still, he worked with concentration, and we finished four more subtests of the WISC-R -- Picture Completion, Similarities, Picture Arrangement, and Arithmetic.

Nearly every child scores far above his academic grades in at least some of the subtests, and he knows it.

WISC-R subtests of Arithmetic, Coding, Informationeaand Digit Span are often found to have some type of learning disability.

After going over each of the subtests, I pointed out that his full-scale IQ was in the 85th percentile.