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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Substitutionary \Sub`sti*tu"tion*a*ry\, a. Of or pertaining to substitution; substitutional.


a. Of or relating to substitution; replacement.

Usage examples of "substitutionary".

And there are many good but ill-instructed men among ourselves who have just this taint of that old heresy cleaving to them still--this taint, namely, that they are tempted to carry over the suretyship and substitutionary work of Christ into such regions, and to carry it to such lengths in those regions, as, practically, to make Christ to minister to their soft and sinful living, and to their excuse and indulgence of themselves.

The substitutionary atonement it is seeking proves that much: we surpassed that in the sophistication of our thinking centuries ago.

Christian belief -- that Jesus was a substitutionary sacrifice for the sins of mankind.

On the human level, the substitutionary death of Christ is not an easy concept to comprehend.