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n. 1 (context topology English) The abstraction of a sequence. 2 (context networking English) A portion of a network which shares a network address in which each component is identified by a subnet number. vb. (context networking English) To break a network into subnets.


The word subnet may refer to:

  • In computer networks, an abbreviation for subnetwork.
  • In mathematics, a subnet (mathematics) of a net in a topological space.
Subnet (mathematics)

In topology and related areas of mathematics, a subnet is a generalization of the concept of subsequence to the case of nets. The definition is not completely straightforward, but is designed to allow as many theorems about subsequences to generalize to nets as possible.

If (x) and (y) are nets from directed sets A and B respectively, then (y) is a subnet of (x) if there exists a monotone final function

h : BA

such that

y = x.

A function h : BA is monotone if β ≤ β implies hh and final if its image is cofinal in A—that is, for every α in A there exists a β in B such that h ≥ α.

While complicated, the definition does generalize some key theorems about subsequences:

  • A net (x) converges to x if and only if every subnet of (x) converges to x.
  • A net (x) has a cluster point y if and only if it has a subnet (y) that converges to y.
  • A topological space X is compact if and only if every net in X has a convergent subnet (see net for a proof).

A more natural definition of a subnet would be to require B to be a cofinal subset of A and that h be the identity map. This concept, known as a cofinal subnet, turns out to be inadequate. For example, the second theorem above fails for the Tychonoff plank if we restrict ourselves to cofinal subnets.

Note that while a sequence is a net, a sequence has subnets that are not subsequences. For example the net (1, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...) is a subnet of the net (1, 2, 3, 4, ...). The key difference is that subnets can use the same point in the net multiple times and the indexing set of the subnet can have much larger cardinality. A sequence is a subnet of a given sequence, if and only if it can be obtained from some subsequence by repeating its terms and reordering them.

Usage examples of "subnet".

Configure interface ethernet 0 to deny inbound packets originated from subnet 192.

When given an IP address and its subnet mask, be able to figure out the subnet ID of that host, the last USABLE host on that subnet, in addition to the number of possible subnets and hosts per subnet.

When configuring this security, you need to decide if you want to grant or deny access to an IP address, subnet, or domain.

During the wars, the internetwork of longjump T-gates that wove the subnets of the hyperpower together was shattered, leaving behind sparsely connected nets, their borders filtered through firewalled assembler gates guarded by ferocious mercenaries.

Finally, certain older implementations may not understand about subnets.