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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Sublimely \Sub*lime"ly\, adv. In a sublime manner.


adv. In a sublime manner.


adv. with sublimity; in a sublime manner; "awaking in me, sublimely unconscious, interest and energy for tackling these tasks" [syn: utterly]

Usage examples of "sublimely".

Moreover, the most extravagant eulogies were perhaps reserved for those who had died in battle against the hated foe, none more sublimely than the Marquis de Montcalm on the heights of Abraham in Quebec.

King, however, did nothing to prevent the journey and the two pious old ladies, sublimely indifferent to much of this agitation, set off with their usual modest retinue of twenty, accompanied by the commander of the Versailles National Guard, Berthier.

Sceptics, or decide with the Stoics, sublimely speculate with Plato, or severely argue with Aristotle.

He who thought himself sublimely indifferent to the laughter of ignoramuses, now fencing against it!

Charlton was soon sublimely oblivious to the tattered hair-cloth of the sofa on which he sat, and he utterly failed to notice the stiff wooden chair on which Miss Minorkey reposed.

The role of the Prince in Part I, who brings with him the atmosphere of a sublimely selfless moral ideal, is to serve as a catalyst for each in this secret struggle.

His manner had nothing uneasy or dogged about it, like that of many poor rectors whose existence or whose power is contested by their parishioners, and who instead of being, as Napoleon sublimely said, the moral leaders of the population and the natural justices of peace, are treated as enemies.

Then followed the impressive funeral services of the Episcopal Church for the dead, amid a silence and solemnity that were imposing and sublimely grand.

Duly next morning the rosy-fingered Aurora drew the gold and crimson curtains of the east, and the splendid Apollo, stepping forth from his chamber, took the reins of his unrivalled team, and driving four-in-hand through the sky, like a great swell as he is, took small note of the staring hucksters and publicans by the road-side, and sublimely overlooked the footsore and ragged pedestrians that crawl below his level.

Sublimely arrogant, trapping her little innocent in that idiotic web, they had given it eternal fire as the tragicomic hero of the founding of her hive.

The loss of his wife before Aubrey was out of short coats had caused Sir Francis to immure himself in the fastness of his manor, some fifteen miles from York, and to remain there, sublimely indifferent to the welfare of his offspring, abjuring the society of his fellows.

Earth was unguarded, sleeping sublimely as the business of the race to which it had given birth went on unbothered half a galaxy away.

This last revelation makes our Tarot attributions sublimely, perfectly, flawlessly symmetrical.

With each accelerating stride, his focus grew crisper, more sublimely clear, his mind already assessing the problem with mathematical precision, showing him his angle of attack.

As one studied the farm worker, the huge flat field, the hot blue sky, and came back to his face, gradually the feeling grew that this man was deeply, sublimely happy, in a way that someone with a choice could never be.