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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Subclavian \Sub*cla"vi*an\, a. [Pref. sub- + L. clavis a key. See Clavicle.] (Anat.) Situated under the clavicle, or collar bone; as, the subclavian arteries.


a. (context anatomy English) Beneath the clavicle


adj. situated beneath the clavicle


In general, Subclavian means beneath the clavicle, and it may refer to:

  • Subclavian vein
  • Subclavian artery
  • Subclavian nerve (part of the Brachial plexus)

Usage examples of "subclavian".

There I was struck on the shoulder by a Jezail bullet, which shattered the bone and grazed the subclavian artery.

It scraped through the thick fabric of his armor and off bone and through rubbery flesh, then penetrated the subclavian artery.

When these major chest vessels were functional, he proceeded to the opposite side and connected the left carotid and subclavian arteries.

All the lymph is collected into the largest lymphatic of all, the thoracic duct, which leads into the subclavian vein in the upper chest and is thus restored to the main circulatory system.

Collar thrust: The subclavian artery is located about three inches below the surface of the skin, between the collar bone and the shoulder blade.

With needle and syringe, she collected body fluids for analysis: blood from the subclavian vein, vitreous fluid from the eye, urine through the lower abdominal wall.

But this time even I could make out a sizable bulge in the aorta, just beyond the left subclavian artery.

It begins by a convergence and union of the lymphatics on the lumbar vertebrae, in front of the spinal column, then passes upward through the diaphragm to the lower part of the neck, thence curves forward and downward, opening into the subclavian vein near its junction with the left jugular vein, which leads to the heart.

From this reservoir the chyle and lymph flow into the thoracic duct, through which they are conveyed to the left subclavian vein, there to be mingled with venous blood.

This receives lymph from all parts of the body not drained by the right lymphatic duct, and empties it into the left subclavian vein.

Connection is made with the subclavian vein on the upper side at the place where it is joined by the left jugular vein.

At this place it mingles with the lymph from the lower parts of the body, and with it passes through the thoracic duct to the left subclavian vein.

He had been working since four on a piece of independent research on the structure of the left subclavian vein.

He shifted his feet like a boxer, readying the knife, and looked for the bad places on the big driver to cut or stab--the brachial, radial or carotid arteries, the subclavian or the heart and stomach areas.

I hoped I missed the subclavian vein, and that the beam angle would direct its energies between the left lung and the stomach.