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n. A secondary or subsidiary chamber; a chamber within a chamber.

Usage examples of "subchamber".

Lying on the improvised bed in the hiding place's smallest subchamber, Fett's lethal potential appeared undiminished, as though his ravaged flesh were only a temporary costume, less real than the ragged battle-gear stacked up in the corner.

After they were clear, Neelah set down her end of the pallet and climbed back into what remained of the subchamber space.

Again Brutus walked the labyrinthine path in the subchamber beneath the guardhouse, and again he held the pail of hot pitch in his hand.

In front of him, a smaller circular subchamber filled the corridor from wall to wall, yet he could see beyond it with several of his senses, knew it divided this chamber precisely in half.

This might be merely one of a hundred thousand broadcasts available—the number began to suggest itself as he grasped more nearly the scope of the broadcast range—yet it might have in itself another hundred thousand subchambers of learning.