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n. A basement located beneath another basement

Usage examples of "subbasement".

Doheny Library subbasement, memories of gunshots and screams and salsa filled his head.

Though, what had happened down in the subbasement was regrettable, but not a felony.

Anticipating this, materials in a subbasement of your house have been left to change the material into more unobtrusive form, along with instructions.

I made special provisions to insulate and isolate the subbasement level of my house, but even if that other lab were discovered, the work going on there had no apparent relevance to crime.

The subbasement had its own supply of water and electricity, delivered and metered separately from the rest of the house.

No police officer had recognized them for what they were, otherwise the subbasement would not have been trashed and the nutrient supplies turned off.

The subbasement, from which there was no exit but the stairs, became my living quarters.

He wanted to step out, but even though his eye told him there was solid floor under the skids, everything he had witnessed indicated that to step out would be to fall twenty-four stories to the subbasement, and his death.

Daniel could have been referring to almost any cave, cellar, basement, subbasement, crypt, vault, archaeological dig, or hidden room on the planet.

With the gun at high port, he edged his way carefully toward the subbasement parking lot.

She packed up her medical bag and took him down to the subbasement via the back elevator.

He was down in a subbasement room known colloquially as the Tank because its metal walls were dotted with electronic noisemakers to foil other electronic devices.

The car dropped rapidly from the main lobby to the subbasement suite coded as Floor 16.

Pensin was supposed to be keeping an eye on the door to the subbasement, but there were a handful of other staff and night guards still up in the tapcafe, and a wrong word overheard by one of them could ruin everything.

He remembered the children of Ambrose Bierce and Amelia Earhart, born in the subbasements of the city, doomed to spend their entire lives there laboring for the Ngaa, hypnotic slaves who would never know normal consciousness.