Crossword clues for subatomic
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a. 1 (context physics English) Relating to particles that are constituents of the atom, or are smaller than an atom; such as proton, neutron, electron, etc. 2 Relating to any length or mass that is smaller in scale than a the diameter of a hydrogen atom.
adj. of or relating to constituents of the atom or forces within the atom; "subatomic particles"; "harnessing subatomic energy"
of dimensions smaller than atomic dimensions
Usage examples of "subatomic".
If we do not understand how what we call subatomic particles arise upon this screen, then all our subsequent analysis of the way these particles behave as atoms, molecules, bioelectricity, cells, organs and whole bodies is entirely suspect.
In a genetic sense, your interior, subatomic architecture becomes more adaptable and accommodating to the frequencies of energy that emanate from the centermost section of the Grand Universe.
There seemed to be an entangledness, a complicity between any sufficiently detailed model and the actual dance of subatomic interaction.
But by moving out from the confines of our egocentric limitations, we see, more and more, the Great Power at work and realize our own incapacity to alter the primal patterns of creation, even in the manifestation of one subatomic particle.
It is no wonder that our present-day experiments are unable to resolve the microscopic stringy nature of matter: strings are minute even on the scales set by subatomic particles.
Five nuclear-tipped submunitions exploded perilously close to Aethra, reducing the latest attacking combat wasp to its subatomic constituents.
The other is quantum mechanics, which provides a theoretical framework for understanding the universe on the smallest of scales: molecules, atoms, and all the way down to subatomic particles like electrons and quarks.
Where necessary, he arranges, aligns or structures the vacuum and subatomic energy patterns of the perspex and probably the components, too, if they do not quite do what he wants of them.
And just as special relativity and general relativity require dramatic changes in our worldview when things are moving very quickly or when they are very massive, quantum mechanics reveals that the universe has equally if not more startling properties when examined on atomic and subatomic distance scales.
For a time the puppy seemed freer than air, whimsically lithe, subatomic, superluminary, all spin and charm, while the dog moved on rails like a bull, pure momentum and mass, and forever subject to their laws.
Physically its structure extended over many yards - a rough sphere gigantic in subatomic terms containing a complex of Virtual particle sets which stored terabits of data: of understanding, of memory stretching back over millions of years.
If the Bearess was correct—and he had no reason to doubt her word—Maxim Chkalov might soon blow itself to subatomic particles, along with anybody who remained aboard.
Between them, quantum electrodynamics and quantum chromodynamics provide a full description of the subatomic world down to the scale at which we are able to measure.
Seeing all the heavy machinery and earth-moving trucks, Craig wondered how such a huge and disruptive project could be compatible with delicate diagnostics and subatomic particle tracings.
Reality isn't composed of quarks, or bootstrapping hadrons, or subatomic exchange.