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vb. (standard spelling of from=Non-Oxford British spelling lang=en stylize)


v. represent according to a conventional style; "a stylized female head" [syn: stylize, conventionalize]

Usage examples of "stylise".

Through the interstices of a protective net I saw the reflector-shaded, wire-caged gaslights which from aloft shed down their brilliance solely on to the court proper, a stylised version of a barnyard of some ancient abbey in the Avignon of Pope Joan, or Cahors of the turreted bridge, or grey-walled Carcassonne of the many candlesnuffer towers.

Her train was decorated with irises, paeonies and bambo and, rampaging through them, a stylised tiger.

The translucent shower curtain, sporting stylised fish and seaweed, was partially drawn.

The design on it was art nouveau, a stylised exquisite pattern of gold leaves on a primrose ground.

A sense of space becomes pervasive and this formula, though it stiffens and becomes highly stylised and seems often entirely ornamental, is characteristic.

Street performers, part of the permanent floating Fringe, clutter the sidewalk: a robotic mime, very traditional in silver face-paint, mimics the gestures of passers-by with ironically stylised gestures.

Trees assume the unreal, stylised forms reminiscent of Chinese paintings.

Some of these must, he thought, be considered a kind of art, since they were evidently attempts to purge powerful emotion into stylised forms.

Uptown, where the neon becomes more stylised and the come-ons are more subtle.

On the sand a veetol was standing, dwarfed by the buildings beyond, and its bright blue paint was marked with the symbol of Energetics General, a stylised star transfixed by a lightning bolt.

On the heights of Pintados, she discovered and confirmed with aerial photographs a series of other stylised figures over a distance of three miles.