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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Stuttering \Stut"ter*ing\, a. Apt to stutter; hesitating; stammering. -- Stut"ter*ing*ly, adv.


adv. In a stuttering manner.


adv. with a stammer; "`Will you marry me?' he asked stammeringly" [syn: stammeringly]

Usage examples of "stutteringly".

Crowding under slowworms of lit glass spelling names and services, simple animationsa red-mouthed lady drawn with the light, replaced stutteringly with another who had raised her glass, and back again in autistic illuminant recursion.

Hasjarl himself, dire in his dark red funeral robes, gazing alternately with open eyes and through the grommeted holes in his upper lids, as if that perchance might make the picture sharper, stutteringly berated them for their clumsiness and at intervals conferred staccato with his military.