Sturm-Zigaretten (Storm Cigarettes or Assault Cigarettes) was a brand of cigarettes sold to generate funds for the Nazi Party's Sturmabteilung (SA). SA member Otto Wagener had persuaded manufacturers Trommler, based in Dresden to produce Sturm cigarettes, with a share of the profits being given to the SA. The Sturm cigarette factory produced four brands in total: Trommler, Alarm, Sturm and Neue Front. Through this scheme, a typical SA unit earned hundreds of Reichsmarks each month. There is evidence that coercion was used to promote the sale of these cigarettes. SA members were expected to smoke Sturm cigarettes exclusively. The brand was also used to make the prospect of serving in the German army more appealing, with sets of cards being produced which depicted attractive army uniforms from history. The SA stopped manufacturing cigarettes in 1934.