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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Stultification \Stul`ti*fi*ca"tion\, n. The act of stultifying, or the state of being stultified.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1803, noun of action from stultify.


n. 1 The process of stultify. 2 The state of being stultified.

  1. n. derision of someone or something as foolish or absurd or inconsistent [syn: befooling]

  2. the act of making something futile and useless (as by routine) [syn: constipation, impairment, deadening]


Stultification (from Latin stultus stupid) refers to the state of being or a situation or an action causing one to become

  • stupid or
  • foolish or
  • unsound

The silent implication of stultification in neurobiological terms is that certain external influences can have a lasting neural effect (reduction of the number of synapses, reduced number of interconnections between brain areas, less efficient signal transmission etc.). Such effects are studied by biopsychology and psychosomatic medicine.

Usage examples of "stultification".

Professor Theo Van Spee: omniscient to the point of stultification and boredom.

It would be a very stultification of our reason to refuse to believe Him, once we admit His existence.

Colony, in a period of introspection caused by political stultification, might be more willing to trust her instincts than a child of the highly individualistic Confederacy.

Frightful as is the picture drawn above of Christ in the judgment, it is impossible to deny, without utter stultification, that every lineament of it is logically implied in the formula.

All the stultification of the stand-pat mind may be described as inability, and perhaps unwillingness, to nourish a fruitful choice of issues.

Democracy could not ratify a choice which would involve a stultification so humiliating and so complete.

Henry, in his stultification and listlessness, thought that the jailer was trying to say that lynchers were coming for him that night.