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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
study hall
▪ The class worked much like a study hall, but with just a few students helped by one teacher.
▪ Too many seniors are floating through their final year in high school in a combination of elective classes and study hall.
▪ We had fourteen check-ins a day, classes in Latin, a vigorous program of athletics and every night a study hall.
▪ With parental approval all the students elected to meet with the counselor in lieu of another subject or study hall.
study hall

n. 1 A class period, usually in boarding - or high school, where students are afforded the time for independent study and homework assignments, as part of the curriculum or after hours, the last notably as a punishment called detention. 2 The classroom or other school hall used for such a purpose.

study hall
  1. n. a period of time during the school day that is set aside for study

  2. a classroom reserved for study

Usage examples of "study hall".

I would attend the latter for only two years, but that was long enough to hear-many times-the remarks most frequently made by those students who were trapped in the study hall and seated nearest the windows that faced the cemetery: something to the effect that they would be less bored out there, in the graveyard.

Wake-up at 6, breakfast at 7, school from 8 to 12, lunch till 12:30, rest till 1, school till 5, play till 6, then supper and study hall, in bed by 8.

So stay in school, kids, do your homework, and don't goof off in study hall.

When I was in school, we had study hall every evening during tile week and had to be in the house by midnight on the weekends.

I continued Greek and another year of Latin and started differential equations and first-year German and audited geology and medieval history instead of study hall those two hours.