Crossword clues for stubbs
Stubbs may refer to:
Stubbs (born April 12, 1997) is a cat who has been the honorary mayor of Talkeetna, Alaska, since July 1997.
As of 2016, Stubbs is still mayor, and has been described as a tourist attraction, having been flooded with cards and letters, and drawing 30 to 40 tourists each day (most of whom are en route to other Alaska destinations, such as Denali) who hope to meet "the mayor." Stubbs's position is honorary, as the town is only a "historical district."
Every afternoon, Stubbs goes to a nearby restaurant and drinks water out of a wineglass laden with catnip.
At least one Alaska paper, the Alaska Dispatch News, insists that the whole story is false, and that Talkeetna, Alaska, does not, in fact, have a cat mayor.