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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Strow \Strow\, v. t. [imp. Strowed; p. p. Strownor Strowed.] Same as Strew.

Thick as autumnal leaves that strow the brooks In Vallombrosa.

A manner turbid . . . and strown with blemished.
--M. Arnold.


vb. (obsolete form of strew English)

Usage examples of "strow".

It gained the shelter of a grassy hill, And ever still our comrades were hewn down, And their defenceless limbs beneath our footsteps strown.

Tho vp him taking in their tender hands,They easily vnto her charet beare:Her teme at her commaundement quiet stands,Whiles they the corse into her wagon reare,And strow with flowres the lamentable beare:Then all the rest into their coches clim,And through the brackish waues their passage sheare.

When the King hath a mind to put any of his nobles to death in a gentle indulgent manner, he commands to have the floor strowed with a certain brown powder, of a deadly composition, which being licked up infallibly kills him in twenty-four hours.

I passed the night under the shelter of a rock, strowing some heath under me, and slept pretty well.

The smell of the sweet sedges with which the room had been newly strown was pleasant and cool, and a little chill breeze came in from the window with the moonlight.

The downward slope of the hill itself was relatively thinly strown with small farms and occasional temples.