Crossword clues for stropharia
The genus Stropharia (sometimes known by the common name roundheads) is a group of medium to large agarics with a distinct membranous ring on the stipe. Well-known members of this genus include the edible Stropharia rugosoannulata and the blue-green verdigris agarics ( Stropharia aeruginosa and allies). Stropharia are not generally regarded as good to eat and there are doubts over the edibility of several species. However the species Stropharia rugosoannulata is regarded as exquisitely edible when young, is now the premier mushroom for outdoor bed culture by mycophiles in temperate climates.
Usage examples of "stropharia".
I think liberty caps are per unit gram stronger than Stropharia cubensis, but still don't you have to eat a dozen or two of them?
Stropharia cubensis, I mean, in culture we've grown 170 gram specimens which when dried down go down to 15 grams.