Crossword clues for strongbox
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
The Collaborative International Dictionary
strongbox \strong"box`\, n. A box of rigid and durable construction fitted with a lock, used for the purpose of protecting valuable items, such as jewelry or money.
Syn: lockbox.
n. A sturdy box with a lock for keeping valuables in.
n. a strongly made box for holding money or valuables; can be locked [syn: deedbox]
Usage examples of "strongbox".
Bears was gone to Albany, and none of the women were strong enough to manage the strongbox.
Next he took gold weights cast in the image of demons from the strongbox and set three of them against the plaque.
No doubt the dwarf kept his gold strongboxes and treasures down deep in the ground, concealed in mysterious tunnels and burrows.
The entire answer about who she was and how she had come to the remote, friendless sectors of the galaxy in which she had found herself might be locked up inside Boba Fett, like a key hidden in the very strongbox it was meant to unlock.
Now Bautista took one of the coins from the strongbox, picked up a riding crop from the table, and walked toward Sharpe.
And, finally, the Ark of the Covenant (which contained the Tables of the Law, Aaron's rod, and a pot of manna from the desert) was a kind of electric strongbox capable of producing discharges on the order of five hundred volts.
After the battle in DC, and in between flying air strikes against The Circle that night, Hunter had been able to rewire the F-16's terrain search radar to pick up the faint, yet discernible signal being emitted by the laser lock on the APC and the strongbox itself.
They'd gone to Lord Estloch, but the strongbox in the cellar counting room now held almost seven hundred golds-one hundred remaining from the previous wine sales and the timber loaded on the Seastag from the time when Kharl had first come to Cantyl, the hundred remaining from the hundred and fifty Kharl had received initially from Lord Ghrant, and the most recent five hundred.
That strongbox where they kept the school reports could have been opened with a knife and fork.
She went to the table and upended her reticule next to the solid square shape of the strongbox.