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n. (plural of striving English)

Usage examples of "strivings".

So, alternately beating and beaten, they made their dolorous way through the beautiful woods and under the amber arches of the fading beech-trees, where the calm strength and majesty of Nature might serve to rebuke the foolish energies and misspent strivings of mankind.

I suspected everywhere tendencies and strivings analogous to those of everyday life and conceived the psychic splitting itself as a result of a repelling process, which I then called "defense" and later "regression.

Psychoanalysis had a greater interest in showing that all ego strivings are mixed with libidinous components.

Both strivings conjointly exhaust the pleasure that might have resulted from this situation.

They have traced in detail (what Pfister did before them) how the material of the sexual ideas originating in the family complex and in the incestuous object selection can be used to represent the highest ethical and religious interests of mankind, that is, they have explained a remarkable case of sublimation of the erotic impelling forces and the transformation of the same into strivings that can no longer be called erotic.

In place of the conflict between erotic strivings adverse to the ego and the self-assertion, we are given the conflict between the "life-task" and the "psychic-laziness.

But all lives are secret tapestries that swirl and sweep through the years with souls and strivings as the colors, the threads.

And in such a vast network of colors and threads and souls and strivings, what can you expect to find?

I expect your best efforts and that these strivings include, shall we say, rather more precision.

How often in my writings I contrived to hide under the guise of indifference, or even of banter, those strivings of mine towards goodness which gave meaning to my life!

And before I had time to look round I had adopted the views on life of the set of authors I had come among, and these views completely obliterated all my former strivings to improve—they furnished a theory which justified the dissoluteness of my life.

His strivings up to that point seemed feeble in comparison to this fresh outburst.

For a hundred thousand years I watched their strivings and their deaths.