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n. (alternative spelling of strip mine English) vb. To mine by creating a strip mine, usually for coal or tar sands.

Strip-mine (album)

Strip-mine was the second album from English band James, released in September 1988. The album was produced by Hugh Jones, except "Riders" and "Refrain" which were produced by Steve Power and Steve Lovell. After the recording sessions in 1987, the release of the album was delayed a number of times by the record label, but it was eventually remixed early the following year at London's Battery Studios before finally getting a release in September 1988.

Usage examples of "strip-mine".

For the next three months, you are all assigned to hard labor at the dry lakebeds, strip-mining salt and processing nitrates.

As Leia and Han stood in their formal attire, a greasy rain began pelting down, cold droplets clotted with residue from massive strip-mining operations in industrial sectors far from the showy palaces of the Hutt crime lords.

It is argued that the ultimate solution to world energy problems is to strip-mine the Moon, return the solar-wind-implanted helium-3 back to Earth, and use it in fusion reactors.

Any man is a killer who works for a company that pollutes, strip-mines, and contaminates the air and water.

From this eyrie, he could look out over the Great Phosphorus Marsh, to the north of which were the raked-out hills being systematically strip-mined of lortan, the mineral-rich substance the V'ornn refined into veradium.

They strip-mined the chilly planets to make environments suitable for their own variety of carbon life.

They strip-mined its outer crust and bored dozens of kilometers under its surface to extract priceless cargoes that were then shipped to consumers all over Human Space.

Open quarries and strip-mines have built-in ventilation, but they still need to be drained.