vb. (present participle of string together English)
Usage examples of "stringing together".
Juba and the child soon became involved in collecting the pods from a kaffir boom tree nearby and stringing together the pretty scarlet lucky beans, each with its little black eye at the end to make necklaces and bracelets.
Koryk had broken his shovel on a rock and was stringing together an admirable list of Seti curses.
I even suspected that such a stringing together of Seldons projections already existed, perhaps with another historians commentary.
I decided to try stringing together a number of cliches from the contemporary fantasy scene and turning them into a real story rather than a pastiche, despite.
So he went on stringing together these and other absurdities, all in the style of those his books had taught him, imitating their language as well as he could.
Certainly, Rani knew a few of the links, stringing together each of the City's recognized merchant callings.
They're geniuses at stringing together sentences that sound great and say nothing.
Anyone can master the mechanical act of stringing together words and sentences and paragraphs to make a character move from A to B.
Everybody in the book is named Leonard or Ernest or Marvin, extraterrestrials who've never heard of Earth call each other boychik, and at odd intervals Haiblum succumbs to Zelazny's Syndrome: the habit of stringing together sentence fragments.
Everybody in the book is named Leonard or Ernest or Marviii, extraterrestrials who've never heard of Earth call each other boychik, and at odd intervals Haiblum succumbs to Zelazny's Syndrome: the habit of stringing together sentence fragments.
By stringing together a train of events and circumstances, even if I were not very explicit, the means of escape might be ascertained, and, possibly, those means be rendered, thereafter, no longer available to the liberty-seeking children of bondage I have left behind me.