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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Stringent \Strin"gent\ (str[i^]n"jent), a. [L. stringens, -entis, p. pr. of stringere to draw or bind tight. See Strain.] Binding strongly; making strict requirements; restrictive; rigid; severe; as, stringent rules.

They must be subject to a sharper penal code, and to a more stringent code of procedure.
--Macaulay. [1913 Webster] -- Strin"gent*ly, adv. -- Strin"gent*ness, n.


adv. in a stringent manner


adv. in a stringent manner; "the laws are stringently enforced"; "stringently controlled" [syn: strictly]

Usage examples of "stringently".

It is unfortunate it was not held to stringently, as in Paraguay, at least, the Reptilia were already well represented.

Then he subjected the corgis to a minute or so of close-order drill, using a patch of moss-covered flagstones as parade ground, and stringently criticizing their performance in tones loud enough to penetrate through the glass doors.

They organized the refectories more stringently, so that food would not be wasted.

That was just the way that Chief Pawl and almost all of his squadron left, and for the same basic reasons: half-pay or none at all and always very late at that, being stringently forbidden such soldierly solaces as strong drink, hemp, tobacco and the company of females within the camp, while at the same time being most strongly forbidden to leave the camp to seek out such pleasure under enforced penalties of flogging, hideous torture, maiming, mutilation, even death.