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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Strew \Strew\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Strewed; p. p. strewn; p. pr. & vb. n. Strewing.] [OE. strewen, strawen, AS. strewian, stre['o]wian; akin to Ofries. strewa, OS. strewian, D. strooijen, G. streuen, OHG. strewen, Icel. str[=a], Sw. str["o], Dan. str["o]e, Goth. straujan, L. sternere, stratum, Gr. ?, ?, Skr. st?. [root]166. Cf. Stratum, Straw, Street.]

  1. To scatter; to spread by scattering; to cast or to throw loosely apart; -- used of solids, separated or separable into parts or particles; as, to strew seed in beds; to strew sand on or over a floor; to strew flowers over a grave.

    And strewed his mangled limbs about the field.

    On a principal table a desk was open and many papers [were] strewn about.

  2. To cover more or less thickly by scattering something over or upon; to cover, or lie upon, by having been scattered; as, they strewed the ground with leaves; leaves strewed the ground.

    The snow which does the top of Pindus strew.

    Is thine alone the seed that strews the plain?

  3. To spread abroad; to disseminate.

    She may strew dangerous conjectures.


vb. 1 (en-simple past of: strew) 2 (past participle of strew English)

Usage examples of "strewed".

Was this the same man under whose feet they had strewed shot so that he fell full length and broke his glasses?

Is not their town filled with brawls, and are not their streets strewed with the ruins of the palaces of the noble Ghibelines?

Among these they found the traces of a large Indian camp, which had evidently been the headquarters of a hunting expedition, from the great quantities of buffalo bones strewed about the neighborhood.

A large bed, or rather dormitory of dried leaves and the stalks of Indian corn, was strewed along one side of the room, on which many both men and women lay, peeping out on the travellers from under their sheep skin coverings: there was no furniture, except a rude bench, and a ruder table.

Wrecks of gondolas, and some few uninjured ones, were strewed on the beach at Fusina.

The meanest streets are strewed with truncated columns, broken capitals--Corinthian and Ionic, and sparkling fragments of granite or porphyry.

Triumphal arches, the falling walls of many temples, strewed the ground at my feet.

They were strewed upon the floor in haphazard fashion, overlapping in a scattering of patterns.

We saw some elk and buffalo to-day, but at too great a distance to obtain any of them, though a number of the carcasses of the latter animal are strewed along the shore, having fallen through the ice and been swept along when the river broke up.

The road lay over the sharp fragments of rocks which had fallen from the mountains, and were strewed in heaps for miles together.

One of our horses slipped and rolled over with his load down the hillside, which was nearly perpendicular and strewed with large irregular rocks, nearly one hundred yards, and did not stop till he fell into the creek.

They were running, chattering, laughing, as they went over, again and again, how they had strewed small shot about the threshold of the school door at the moment when Tityros had turned his back and was preparing to teach them the song they were to sing on next Sunday's outing: "Spring has come, the flowers are here again .

He ate with appetite and plucked a handful of jasmine blossoms, which he strewed over his pillow.

When the fire had done its work, he took a handful of ashes, opened the outer door, stood in the middle of the street, raised his hand and strewed the ashes in the air.

Sometimes even, the road was strewed with the members of the venturous chamois, whose sure foot had failed among the snows.