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n. (obsolete spelling of stream English)

Usage examples of "streame".

He them encountred, a confused rout,Foreby the Riuer, that whylome was hightThe auncient Abus, where with courage stoutHe them defeated in victorious fight,And chaste so fiercely after fearfull flight,That forst their Chieftaine, for his safeties sake,(Their Chieftaine Humber named was aright)Vnto the mightie streame him to betake,Where he an end of battell, and of life did make.

So furiously each other did assayle,As if their soules they would attonce haue rentOut of their brests, that streames of bloud did rayleAdowne, as if their springes of life were spent.

Hereof this gentle knight vnweeting was,And lying downe vpon the sandie graile,Drunke of the streame, as cleare as cristall glas.

Her selfe then tooke he by the sclender wast,In vaine loud crying, and into the floodOuer the Castle wall adowne her cast,And there her drowned in the durty mud:But the streame washt away her guilty blood.

Forward they passe, and strongly he them rowes,Vntill they nigh vnto that Gulfe arriue,Where streame more violent and greedy growes:Then he with all his puissance doth striueTo strike his oares, and mightily doth driueThe hollow vessell through the threatfull waue,Which gaping wide, to swallow them aliue,In th'huge abysse of his engulfing graue,Doth rore at them in vaine, and with great terror raue.