n. 1 A bed mattress made from a coarse cotton material, or shoddy, and filled with (usually) straw. 2 Also used to refer to the empty mattress bag.
Usage examples of "straw tick".
I opened my eyes: I was on a bed now, of sorts -- a sweet straw tick on an iron-wire platform -- in a chamber better lighted than the one before, though no less warm.
Now, the way I look at it, a hickry-bark ladder don't cost nothing, and don't waste nothing, and is just as good to load up a pie with, and hide in a straw tick, as any rag ladder you can start.
She stretched langourously, wallowing in the physical delight of a feather bed that embraced and yielded to her everv move-a definite contrast to lumpy quilts spread over a chilly straw tick.
Then she rose quietly, rolled the comatose chieftain off the straw tick and pulled his war harness from under it.
There was laughter as the prisoners tumbled inside to collapse on a filthy straw tick.
The second wounded man lay breathing heavily on a straw tick and showed no further desire for sandbags.
It struck the corner of the mattress there with enough force to bury itself deep in the straw tick, and Tehena, watched Dion swear under her breath and scramble to search the ragged mattress for the bone.
It wasn't until after Willow was settled into the straw tick before the fire with the castle hounds nestled around her that her thoughts would stray to how nice it would be to have a mama to stroke her hair and sing her a lullaby as she drifted off to sleep.
A narrow bedstead with neither spring nor mattress nor hangings, not even a straw tick.
The room was dominated by a single huge bed with an overstuffed straw tick.
A flea-ridden straw tick in an outhouse within the courtyard was his closest approach to privacy.
The interior one stood open on an adjacent cubicle, sufficient for a straw tick and a pot, where Pum would sleep.
They took and shoved the bag through a rip in the straw tick that was under the feather-bed, and crammed it in a foot or two amongst the straw and said it was all right now, because a nigger only makes up the feather-bed, and don't turn over the straw tick only about twice a year, and so it warn't in no danger of getting stole now.
Hilton walked over to one of the upper bunks and reached up with his manacled arms to roll back a straw tick mattress.