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Straken is the third book in the High Druid of Shannara trilogy of Terry Brooks' Shannara series. First published in 2005, it takes place immediately after the events of Tanequil.

Usage examples of "straken".

But the cunning and deception of the Straken Lord had deceived them all, and so for the first time in centuries, a demon was free.

She was inside the Forbidding because the Straken Lord had arranged for a handful of Druids who hated her to be swayed into using magic that would put her here.

The pain and humiliation she had been forced to suffer at the hands of the Straken Lord had shattered her confidence.

The Straken Lord had brought her into the Forbidding, and it knew who she was.

If so, then the Straken Lord had a vested interest in protecting her until its ally was ready to return.

It was also possible that the Straken Lord would be alerted to the fact that she had tampered with it.

She was back in the room in which the Straken Lord had confronted her.

She could either take the stairs the Straken Lord had climbed or retrace her steps into the cells.

They were creatures of the Straken Lord, after all, and it had trained them to do its bidding.

All that remained for her was to prepare herself for whatever fate the Straken Lord intended.

Other than the purpose she had already served in switching places with whatever creature the magic had set free from the Forbidding, what reason could the Straken Lord have for taking an interest in her?

She sat quietly on the floor of her little room and thought about what the Straken Lord had told her.

In the center of a group of unidentifiable creatures hidden within robes and hoods sat the Straken Lord.

She did as she was told, rising gingerly to exit the cage and stand on the floor of the arena, facing the Straken Lord.

The Straken Lord had an overblown opinion of what it could expect of her if it thought anything would change that, and she had no idea what fueled it.