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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Straightway \Straight"way`\, adv. Immediately; without loss of time; without delay.

He took the damsel by the hand, and said unto her, Talitha cumi. . . . And straightway the damsel arose.
--Mark v. 41,42.


adv. 1 directly 2 at once alt. A straight section of a racetrack. n. A straight section of a racetrack.

  1. adv. at once; "straightway the clouds began to scatter"

  2. in a direct course; "plunged straightway to the rocks below"

Usage examples of "straightway".

The carles looked askance at one another, but straightway opened the gates, and Ralph and his company went forth, and abode the new-comers on a little green mound half a bowshot from the Castle.

Within the pulp is contained the grape sugar, which differs in some respects chemically from cane sugar, and which is taken up straightway into our circulation when eaten, without having to be changed slowly by the saliva, as is the case with cane sugar.

Moreover, it is all ready for absorption straightway into the blood after being eaten, whereas cane sugar must be first masticated with the saliva, or spittle, and converted somewhat slowly into honey sugar before it can be utilised for the wants of the body.

When Erland found that he was being pursued a great fear came upon him lest he should be driven farther into the fiord and into the clutches of the bonders, whom he knew to be waiting to give him battle, so when he saw that Olaf was coming close upon him he ran his ships aground, leapt overboard, and straightway made for the shore.

A branch of girt and goodliness, straightway Her spring is turned on herself, and wried And knotted like some gall or veiney wen.

I straightway gave him all the money I had, and promising to rejoin him at Borgo I bade him farewell.

It was a rule of the Mellah that on notice being given of a death in their quarter, the clerk of the synagogue should publish it at the first service thereafter, in order that a body of men, called the Hebra Kadisha of Kabranim, the Holy Society of Buriers, might straightway make arrangements for burial.

I, Most Holy Virgin, swear by the bowels of your Divine Son that if I see Soradici move in the least or look towards Lawrence, I will throw myself straightway upon him and strangle him without mercy, to your honour and glory.

On the contrary, I straightway untied my bundle of rope and bound him strongly under the elbows, and making him lie flat down I lowered him feet foremost on to the roof of the dormer-window.

Dauphin, do not so long and so frequently deliberate in council, but come straightway to Reims, there to receive your rightful anointing.

Now Gaslark with the best of his fighting men was come some way past the postern, but whenas they fell to fighting he turned back straightway to meet Corinius, calling loudly on his men to rally against the Witches and drive them back within the walls.

Straightway there descends a dove white as snow, bearing in its beak an ampulla full of chrism sent from heaven.

Bishop takes the ampulla, sprinkles the baptismal water with chrism, and straightway the dove vanishes.

But straightways we saw divers of the people, with bastons in their hands, as it were forbidding us to land: yet without any cries or fierceness, but only as warning us off, by signs that they made.

Eleanor seemed to like the doctor very much, and Brat, knowing nothing whatever about him, was straightway convinced that he was not good enough for her.