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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Straight-out \Straight"-out`\, a. Acting without concealment, obliquity, or compromise; hence, unqualified; thoroughgoing. [Colloq. U.S.]

Straight-out and generous indignation.
--Mrs. Stowe.


a. 1 Acting without concealment, obliquity, or compromise. 2 unqualified; thoroughgoing


adj. without reservation or exception [syn: outright, unlimited]

Usage examples of "straight-out".

The totalisators were at work in the saddling paddock, one being for a straight-out win and the other for a place.

She had said straight-out that Richard Todd would be more trouble than he was worth.

I'd look my Subject right in the big blue eye and tell her straight-out that the field of nanomicroscopy is not yet advanced enough to measure my interest in the intricacies of O.

Oz’s band, Dingoes Ate My Baby, was playing a straight-out rock number.

Some­where underneath the dark, Purple-built squatter’s boxes and pseudo-art and dayclubs was the straight-out, linear, geometric corri­dors and passages laid out by the original architect of the hab. Prob if they cleared away all the Purpbuilt add-ons it would take half as long to get anywhere, and there would be more room in the place to boot.