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vb. (en-third-person singular of: straggle)

Usage examples of "straggles".

Her hair had probably started out the evening in a golden tower, but the tower had crumbled considerably, sending poofs and curls and straggles in and around her face.

The sun has completely dropped behind the lower hills to the west when Dorrin straggles into the station with an armload of finger-width wood.

Her hair had come down in wisps and straggles, her dress looked as though she'd been sleeping in it for weeks, and there was a dark smear of jam on the upper curve of one breast.

A seedy comb and hairbrush with straggles of grey hairs still engaged in them.

Many of them were festooned with straggles of shapeless placbag tubing which, although Marlowe didn't know it at the time, were temporary housing for the rocket trash.