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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Stovehouse \Stove"house`\ (st[=o]v"hous`), n. A hothouse.


n. A hothouse for plants.

Usage examples of "stovehouse".

Yet now you stand here at the very hearth he helped you win, issuing physical threats to his envoy in the manner of some common stovehouse brawler.

One man's horse had collapsed beneath him, and all mounts had to be changed at Duff's Stovehouse halfway.

Corbie Meese said he'd picked it up from stovehouse talk, yet how could anyone other than a Bluddsman know about the Dog Lord's plans?

I sent them to Duff's Stovehouse to see if the stovemaster had given ale or warmth to Sarga Veys.

Any man or woman from any clan had right of refuge in every stovehouse in the clanholds.

Dug out of sandstone and clay, the stovehouse was little more than a hole in the ground.

He hated what he had become when he'd walked through the stovehouse door.

This was the first night there had been no stovehouse to stop at… the clanholds were coming to an end.

The stovehouses they had stayed at were large and gloomy, not really stovehouses at all, rather places that sold ale.

Raif had sat in these new nonclan stovehouses and watched these things happen and let the truth of them settle against his skin.

Farms, mills, smokehouses, stovehouses, broken watch towers and fortifications, and crannogs extending out over the lake on stilts, all lay within a short distance of the road.

He thought of the four Bluddsmen at Duff's Stovehouse, the Bludd women and children running through the snow the day of the ambush.

As Angus had promised, the story of the killings at Duff's Stovehouse had spread.