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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Story-teller \Sto"ry-tell`er\, n.

  1. One who tells stories; a narrator of anecdotes,incidents, or fictitious tales; as, an amusing story-teller.

  2. An historian; -- in contempt.

  3. A euphemism or child's word for ``a liar.''

Usage examples of "story-teller".

Seumas MacManus is as truly a shanachie as the old story-tellers that yet tell the old tales about peat fires in Donegal.

But the story-teller, in every case, has so recolored and reshaped his borrowing as to naturalize it.

His fingers itched to plunge among the gems he had heard described by story-tellers in the market squares of Keshia, who repeated tales handed down from mouth to mouth through the centuries - jewels not to be duplicated in the world, rubies, emeralds, diamonds, bloodstones, opals, sapphires, the loot of the ancient world.

If to throw off the shackles of Old World pedantry, and defy the paltry rules and examples of grammarians and rhetoricians, is the special province and the chartered privilege of the American writer, Timothy Dexter is the founder of a new school, which tramples under foot the conventionalities that hampered and subjugated the faculties of the poets, the dramatists, the historians, essayists, story-tellers, orators, of the worn-out races which have preceded the great American people.

A dozen hands stretched out to give Kilquhanity a drink, for even the best story-teller of Pontiac could not have told his tale so well.

It was about this time, too, that Lincoln's fame as a story-teller began to spread far and wide.

Ken slowly but surely building up a reputation as a children's story-teller while his own supposed career as a professional recounter of traveller's tales sank gradually in the west.