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n. (plural of stormtrooper English)

Stormtroopers (Transformers)

The Stormtroopers are a sub-group of Decepticons from the Transformers series.

Usage examples of "stormtroopers".

Dozens of white-armored Imperial stormtroopers boiled through the hole like a hive of frenzied lizard-ants that Jacen had once kept in his collection of exotic pets.

The stormtroopers fired as they charged-using only the curving blue arcs of stun beams, Jaina was relieved to see.

Looming behind the armed stormtroopers, cloaked in shadows and rising smoke, stood a tall and sinister woman dressed in a black cape with spines on each shoulder.

In response, the Stormtroopers fired with all their weapons, blasting both copper droids into shards of smoking components that clattered and sparked on the floor.

The stormtroopers leveled blaster pistols at Jacen, Jaina, and Lowbacca.

A contingent of stormtroopers stood behind him, blaster rifles resting on their shoulders.

The stormtroopers suddenly trained their rifles on the infuriated Wookiee.

He needs to communicate-unless of course all of these stormtroopers can somehow speak the Wookiee language?

The stormtroopers formed an armed escort around them as they marched along the clanking metal deck plates.

Brakiss led the cluster of stormtroopers that surrounded Jaina, taking them down a corridor to the right.

The door whisked open, and the stormtroopers herded Jacen into a small cubicle, bare-walled and uncomfortable.

The stormtroopers stepped back, and the door shut behind Jacen, closing him in, weaponless and alone.

Another door whisked open, and a new contingent of stormtroopers rushed in from the far side of the room.

The second set of stormtroopers drew their stun pistols as Lowie yanked a bench out from under another Shadow Academy student, sending her to the floor.

Lowbacca ducked to pick up something else to throw-and just as he did, the first set of stormtroopers on the other side of the room, finally climbing back to their feet, fired their stun pistols.